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GHOST Pro Trigger Connector for Glock 42/43/43X/48


N° Article : 100017680

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The GHOST G42/G43 PRO is the best self-defense & Target trigger control connector Ghost makes! The G42/G43 PRO is Smoother, Lighter, Shorter and eliminates trigger Over-travel! These attributes give you the fastest most accurate first shot hit advantage of any self-defense Glock style trigger. HIT FIRST & FAST WITH THE PRO The G42/G43 PRO fixes the Glock “bump” or glitch, this is the pre-travel resistance you feel and must overcome when the trigger bar “bumps” into the connector. This “bump” causes you to apply excessive force and will move the pistol off target. Another thing the G42/G43 PRO corrects is trigger over-travel; the excessive movement of the trigger after the pistol fires. Over-travel causes the pistol to move off of alignment with the target, making your shot go low and to one side. G42/G43 PRO KEEPS YOU ON TARGET The G42/G43 PRO is the best self-defense connector made! We believe that this trigger control connector makes all others obsolete. Once you try it, we know you will agree! Minor fitting required. This Connector is For CCW Self-Defense. Recommended: A gunsmith or armorer should install this connector. PLEASE NOTE : THIS IS NOT A DROP IN TRIGGER CONNECTOR. Small flat Swiss file needed.

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